Wednesday, June 1, 2016

What makes you unique? You've probably considered this before. Personalities are like fingerprints. Different by design. Every person a masterpiece painted by the God's hand with beauty and purpose in every brush stroke. The world around is polluted by chaos and confusion -the buying and selling of forms of identity and ways to 'improve' the individual outside of our's Creator's design. They make a cake of frosting and sell it to people -especially young women- starving for the vision of identity and purpose. It fills for only a moment and leaves its victim with a sick stomach, but a craving for more of its wanton lies. All the while Christ sits with arms open saying "come, all you weary and weighed down -and I will give you rest". Come as you are. That's what the Gem Shell Initiative is. That message. Hear it. Take it or leave it. Look in this picture; like that ocean...God's Love is a gift: put your fear at bay and dive in. This is The Gem Shell Inititiative. Welcome! A new chapter has just opened. Follow the journey. Read the stories, accept Hope. Run with it. Become who you were made to be.

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